Grounding techniques continue to be one of the skills I find myself working on with clients most often. I have talked a lot about physical grounding technqkybut what about mental ones?
Here are jusr a fee things to try:
This is a way to mentally ground yourself in the here and now.
Remind yourself of the day, where you are and who you are. Today is July 13th 2022. I am in Knoxville, TN. My name is Stefanie Hynds.
Repeat a calming mantra to yourself. I am strong, I am capable, I got this.
Brain puzzles, word searches, and problem solving games. Like Sudoko or Trivia.
List or write down what you are feeling or thinking.
Go down the alphabet and list words you know for each letter. Apple, butterfly, cat…
Try counting by 3s or 7s as far as you can go.
Now, I would recommend you try these the next time you are feeling anxious or upset. Sometimes you need to do a physical grounding technique first for the mental ones to be more helpful.