Season of change

Change happens whether we want it to or not. You can go with the change, being flexible and taking it in stride. Or you can fight against it and slow your progress. I think about change a lot during this time of year. The leaves are changing colors and falling from their branches. The landscape has changed from rich greens and vibrant colors of the rainbow to cooler shades of fall. The weather changes daily here in East TN as anyone who has been here for any length of time knows. The world around us changes but how do we?

Wanting to change is a good place to start. Recognizing that there is a problem to fix or a goal to achieve can motivate use through the challenges of change. But not everyone is motivated to change. There is something in therapy called motivational interviewing and ‘stages of change’. It is frequently used in substance abuse treatment but can be used with anyone. You begin with (1) pre-contemplative which means you aren’t ready to change and don’t think there is a problem. (2) Contemplative stage is when you are aware there is a problem but might not be ready to actively change. (3) Preparation is the step toward your goal when you are actively preparing for the change (it might be looking at this website now as you decide if we are a good fit or not). (4) Action is exactly what it sounds like—- taking action, making the changes. (5) Maintenance is where you keep doing the behaviors that you decided and try to maintain the changes you want in your life. (6) Relapse of old behavior (traditionally thoughts of with substance abuse as taking a drink or using drugs after being sober).

So what does this all even mean. Even if you aren’t ready to take the steps to change right now, chances are you are at least considering making changes since you are here reading this right now. Change doesn’t have to be bad, it can be good. You can make steps toward the change you want. Maybe you want to stop feeling anxious all the time and are ready to see a therapist to get help. Perhaps you have been struggling with depression for years and are ready to come out of that darkness. Or you could even be struggling in a relationship full of conflict and want to change how you communicate with your loved one to prevent more heartache. Change can happen, it will happen, it is happening now.

Restless mind and restless hands

To worry or not