Suicide prevention

I spent almost 5 years of my career working in Mobile Crisis. During this time I did risk assessments for clients in crisis with suicidal and homicidal thoughts. As a therapist, it is not unusual for clients to voice thoughts of suicide or better off dead feelings. I want to take this weekly blog to talk more about suicide and how to get help. If you are feeling suicidal right now, please look at the bottom of this blog for ways to get help immediately.

There is a difference between better off dead feelings and suicidal thoughts. For many people, a thought might pop into your head (like popcorn) that “I would be better off dead”, “I wish I wouldn’t wake up”, “People would be better off without me”, “I could wreck my car on the way to work”, and “I probably won’t make it until [insert this age]”. This is considered better off dead as the thoughts are not specific, you don’t actively want to hurt yourself/die, and they tend to pop in your head before going away. Everyone gets these thoughts sometimes. It’s normal to have the thought; it’s a problem when we start to linger on them.

Suicidal thoughts are more specific. There is intent behind it. You might have a plan or method in mind. You might start actively gathering materials you need to kill yourself (getting a weapons, writing a suicide note, planning for when someone won’t be home, etc). This is much more serious and at this point I would recommend you IMMEDIATELY call mobile crisis. For people living in Knoxville, TN or the surrounding areas, that is Helen Ross McNabb Mobile Crisis. For readers outside the area, the national suicide hotline number is: 1-800-273-8255. You can also seek support specifically for those in the LGBTQ community

Mobile crisis is a 24 hours, 7 days a week, holidays and weekend service. What happens when you call? Their job is talk to you (or a loved one, friend, neighbor, whoever calls). They will assess your risk and work to keep you safe. Sometimes that means calling someone to get you, having you go to the closest ER, having you meet them somewhere, or coming to their office for more help. Call them immediately if you are having these thoughts and do not feel safe. Their number is (865) 539-2409.

I always urge family, friends, support system, people in the community, if someone is making statements about wanting to die TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. I rather you get them help and it not be needed, than do nothing and someone get hurt or die. TN has a high rate of suicide and we all need to work together to get people the help they need.

If you are feeling suicidal right now, please reach out for help. You are important. You matter. People care and don’t want you to feel alone anymore. Call (865) 539-2409 or 1-800-273-8255.

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