Tough decision but social distancing can save lives

It has been a chaotic few weeks for all of us. Therapists are feeling the panic of those around us and scrambling to continue providing important services without risking the lives of our clients. It was a tough decision but I have decided to no longer see clients in person during this pandemic. As of 3/21/2020 I am completely remote and providing teletherapy services for existing clients and those who are seeking help during this time of uncertainty and fear.

Social distancing can save lives. The CDC has recommended limiting interactions with others in attempts to reduce the spread of this highly contagious virus. This is important for many reasons including to prevent our healthcare system from being overwhelmed by the numbers of seriously sick patients who could die without proper treatment. As we have seen in other countries, when it gets to this point many lives are lost because there is not enough care to go around. This can be prevented but we each have to make the decision to STAY HOME or severely limit our social interactions as much as possible.

I know that is hard. I hate it too. I want to see my friends. I want to have dinner with my family. I want my daughter to play with her friends. I want to go to the movies or the mall or travel. But we need to prioritize those who are the most vulnerable in our world and limit the spread of the virus to those who are high risk (the elderly, those who are considered immuno-compromised, those with breathing issues, those with heart issues, and other chronic illnesses). There has been and will be more misinformation out there that are leading people to continue on like normal. To find out more accurate information, please visit the CDC website for more ways to keep yourself safe.

Self care during this challenging time

Covid-19 and managing anxiety